The animations are fluid, but a bit choppy when switching between them, like when balancing on the fore-mentioned grapple hook. The graphics are nothing special, although the sprites are made using motion capture with real actors dressed up as the characters. The latter helps you find secret areas with bonus items and it is worth mentioning that all weapons and gadgets have unlimited uses. At the beginning of each level you may also choose two gadgets to help you, alongside some standard ones, like the grapple hook. You fight in a very Mortal Kombat way, that is to say, using button sequences to release more powerful combos and send your enemies flying. You may play as either Batman or Robin as you try to keep Gotham City safe from the Riddler and Two-Face by defeating their henchmen. The storyline, as mentioned, follows that of the movie, albeit loosely. While it has received some negative critique because of its gameplay and controls, it is still an enjoyable game.

Batman Forever is a beat ‘em up game based on the movie with the same name.